Drinks / Recipes

Passion fruit juice

jus de maracudja

A few summers ago, I went to the beautiful French Guyana and I rediscovered the passion fruit or maracudja. I had forgotten how delicious it was, and how much better these fruits are served overseas ! I drank passion fruit juice every day for a week and when I came back, I made it my mission to recreate it in my kitchen.

For 1 L of passion fruit juice :
  • 300 mL of the inside of passion fruits (approximately 4 fruits)
  • 600 mL (+100 mL depending of taste) of water
  • 1 to 2 tablespoon of cane sugar sirup

Cut yout fruits in half and put the inside in a bowl.
Mesure the quantity that you get and double it to know how muche water you need (600 mL of water for 300 ML of passion fruit’s inside in my case).
Put the fruit and the water in a blender and mix (not too strong) to seperate the grain for the rest without crushing it completely.
Filter this mixture.

Add the sugar cane sirup to your taste, depending on the flavor and acidity of the passion fruits you have.
If the juice is too sweet or too concentrate to your taste, you can add 100 mL of water.

Keep this juice in the fridge and shake it before you drink it 🙂

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passion fruit juice

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